Div Com reviews progress on CM’s commitments in Baramulla

Divisional commissioner Kashmir, Baseer Ahmad Khan, today reviewed the status of implementation of the directions passed by the Chief Minister during her public outreach programme in Baramulla district.

DDC Baramulla Dr. Nasir Ahmad Naqash apprised the divisional commissioner about the action taken report on the CM’s directions. The meeting was informed that maximum commitments have been implemented while as rest are in different phases of implementation.


Div Com directed the officers to play a proactive role in the execution of developmental works committed by Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti during her outreach programme. He also impressed upon concerned executing agencies to accelerate the developmental tempo so that all commitments made by CM are fulfilled as per the timeline fixed for each work.

On the occasion, Div Com directed inter-departmental monitoring and vigilance committees at sub-division level to monitor and verify works on the ground level so that accountability and transparency should be maintained in the implementation of CM’s directions.

He reiterated the officers for maintaining documentation, besides pre and post photographic evidence of each work and videography during the execution of the works conducted by the departments.

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