Altaf Bukhari condemns killing of Mohammad Amin Dar

PDP senior leader and former finance minister has strongly condemned killing of PDP worker Mohammad Amin Dar at the hands of unknown gunmen at Gangbug last evening.

Bukhari who is outside the country has termed the deceased as a thorough gentleman who worked tirelessly for the welfare of common people of his area through-out his entire life.


“The news of death of Mohammad Amin Dar has come as a shock to me. I extend my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family,” he remarked.

Bukhari observed that the “cowardly act” of the unknown gunmen has not only shattered the economically downtrodden family of the deceased but has also inflicted a personal damage to him.

The former finance minister said that the contribution of the deceased in terms of public welfare shall be remembered for all times to come.

“I pray to Almighty Allah to grant him Jannat and bestow endurance to the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss,” he added.

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