‘Move beyond rhetoric on Kashmir’

Appreciating the recent statement of Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission (IPHRC) of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) on “human rights violations” in Kashmir, the former convener of All Parties Hurriyat conference Mehmood Ahmed Saghar has said that worsening situation in Kashmir demands that the OIC must move beyond rhetoric and redouble its efforts to put an immediate end to bloodshed and violence in the region.

Voicing his serious concerns over fresh wave of violence and “use of excessive force” against innocent and unarmed civilians Saghar said,” The international community in particular the OIC member states must take effective cognizance of the ongoing bloodshed and impress upon New Delhi to stop human rights violations in troubled valley”.


He regrettably noted that Kashmiris demanding their legitimate right to self-determination were being “subjected to worst kind of oppression and suppression”.

Given volatile situation in the region Saghar said that it was high time that the OIC should move beyond rhetoric and member countries of the second largest organization should “pool in their efforts to mount pressure on government of India to allow the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission of the OIC to visit Kashmir to asses on ground situation in region”

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