NC betrayed its own cadre, organisation for power: Tak

Urging National Conference leadership to introspect, Member Legislative Council  and senior PDP leader Firdous Tak Monday said that the party has betrayed its own cadre and organisation and compromised on every principle for the lust of power.

Tak while addressing a party workers meet here said, ” Those who are today questioning our decision to form government with BJP in Jammu and Kashmir must introspect and come clear before the people. They need to explain that why they have been forming alliance with Congress, the same party which kept Qaid of National Conference Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah behind bars and forced him on knees compromising with every principal he was preaching”, Tak said adding, “The hate and lover relationship of National Conference and Congress and the compromises they made for the sake of power has plunged the state into the present morass and crisis.”


The meet was organised to pay homage to the PDP founder and former Chief Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed on his third death anniversary.

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