Editorial|Difficult times

Hopelessness is a very scary thing for any human society. There is no greater threat than this. The moment people lose hope, violence triumphs. And this breeds nihilism, and we know in the face of such a thing no human society can survive long, and survive unscathed.

This kind of situation is also developing in our region. And one is compelled to think why it is so. Howsoever, we try to hang on to the thread of hope, it snaps each time, leaving us in a depressed state of mind. Unfortunately, not just in Kashmir but in the entire region politics is taken over by some ugly processes. And on global level the preparation for violent confrontations is so menacingly staring us in our face.


As if we are living perpetually under the demonic shadow of war. Everything seems to be failing apart. The case in the Indian subcontinent is particularity disturbing.

From events at the level of domestic politics, to the actions of the institutions of the state, everything goes onto to suggest that we are fast heading towards some untoward, and unwanted thing. For the state of Jammu and Kashmir things are even more worrying as the pressure of all this finally travels to this place, ultimately faced by the people of this state. Now for many decades we are grappling with known and unknown sources of disturbance.

We are receiving shocks in a series. These developments send a chilling reminder of where do we actually stand, and what it can turn into if not addressed quickly, honestly, and methodically. As a society we are now so used to it that event after event we leave it behind only to presume that things would finally return to normal.

This unending spiral of tragedy must not be the fate of a people. In this time of things one can only pray, for the wheel of joy and human prosperity to move. But prayers are not enough. All the sections of the society need to pursue actively the goals of human happiness.

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