2019 will be year of Congress: GA Mir

Pradesh Congress Committee (PCC) chief Ghulam Ahmed Mir on Tuesday said that 2019 would be the year of Congress party as the wave of change has already begun from Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, where Congress party formed the governments.

Addressing a largely attended workers’ rally at Shaktinagar area in Jammu West Assembly segment, Mir charged Modi government of failure in fulfilling the election promises made during 2014 elections.


He said people of Jammu and Kashmir have now realised that they have been befooled and exploited on different slogans which turned out to be election “Jumlas” only.

Mir said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi doesn’t talk of black money now which he had promised to bring back in 100 days to be deposited in the account of every citizen at the rate of Rs 15 lakh.

“Where are 2 crore jobs promised by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi,” he questioned.

He said that Congress president Rahul Gandhi has promised a guarantee minimum income to everyone in the country on coming to power, which would be the most revolutionary step in the history, especially for the poor in the country.    

Meanwhile, Mir blamed State BJP of total betrayal with the people after getting huge mandate in the last elections.

“The people should teach the BJP a lesson for seeking huge mandate on falsehood and sheer exploitation of the sentiments of the people,” he said.

Former minister and CLP leader, Nawang Rigzin Jora exposed the “misdeeds” of BJP government at the Centre and State. He dwelt at the length of the Rafale issue and questioned Modi government for its refusal to accept Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) probe, if everything was alright.

Former MP Madan Lal Sharma lashed out at the BJP for its “total surrender” for the sake of power and compromise on the commitments made to the people, to seek mandate. 

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