Water shortage hits Srinagar areas

Many areas in Srinagar are reeling under acute shortage of drinking water due to freezing of pipelines.

From the past few weeks, Srinagar is witnessing severe cold wave. Srinagar recorded minus 8.8 degrees Celsius on night between Saturday and Sunday, making the coldest recorded night in the last 30 years.


There has been no respite in freezing cold which has taken severely affected water supply.

“From last three days, I am trying to defreeze my water supply pipelines but to no avail,” said  Muhammad Hanief of Nowgam.

Locals in different parts of Srinagar said that water storage tanks and supply pipelines are frozen.

“Frozen water connections have led to water crises in Srinagar. It is one of the toughest winters in the past three decades,” said Tariq Ahmad of Barbarshah pointing towards frozen pipelines.

An official said that machinery at some water treatment plants have also frozen, affecting water supply.

Srinagar recieve water supply from Alesteng, Rangil, Nishat, Dooganga, Sukhnag and Padshahibagh water treatment plants.

“Several machinery and pipelines in lifting and supply chain have frozen. This had added to water crises,” said an official.

Parts of Dal Lake and other water bodies have also frozen this year.

An official of Public Health Engineering department said that though cold conditions have intensified problems for the department “but most of the water supply schemes are functional.”

He urged people to take precautions and not let the water pipes in their homes freeze.

“It is advisable to let taps ooze during night hours to avoid freezing,” he added.

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