Events with global impact

We have often talk about the wisdom that injustice anywhere in the world is injustice everywhere. It is not just a philosophical precept, it is a fact of matter.

Any event, any trend, any idea, any process – if it happens anywhere in the world its impact travels far and wide. The geographical barriers, the differences of timeline, the variance in identities, and the divisions of nationalities and states, all melt away when a significant development takes place anywhere in the world. This is a historic experience.


What has changed in the present era is the speed of transmission. If it would take a year for an event to be known by the people elsewhere, it is now live each minute.

If it would takes decades for a trend to settle in other regions, now it takes just days. The point here is that we are witnessing some turbulent changes in our neighbourhood and these changes are being witnessed by the global community with keen interest and deep concern. Like all right thinking people around the globe, people in this part of the world also yearn for a peaceful and prosperous future.

For this to happen, the global leaders will have to work with the regional leadership, and forge the alliance for peace-building. It is important that people in all regions are given a chance to flourish collectively by exercising their choice, and by participating freely in societal and political development.

To achieve this end, it is crucial that people are made the centre of gravity, not the interests of different global powers. It is the responsibility of civil societies and political leaderships around the world to acknowledge the rights of the people, and work for ensuring these rights without any distinctions of us and them.

We are passing through a crucial transition, and any misstep at this juncture can have disastrous effects for the entire region. The old perspectives need to undergo a rethink, and a fresh beginning to be made in terms of understanding and action.

All the political units in the world need to forge a new thinking on what is happening in the region, and accordingly work for a peaceful future.

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