Shortage of playing fields

For last several years efforts are being made for the promotion of sports and motivating youth to take part in such activities. While the efforts are showing some results but much is needed to be done in this direction.

This is also important since there is a growing wish among the youth to actively take part in sports and excel. Several sportspersons from Jammu and Kashmir have established themselves and earned a name at national and international levels.


This has inspired more youth to follow their footsteps. Their wish can be fulfilled if they have better infrastructure and facilities available to them. Having playing fields in adequate numbers is very important for wider participation of youth in sports.

Shortage of such a facility discourages the aspiring sportspersons. Playing on roads or streets cannot help in their profession growth. They need better facilities to compete effectively at local, state, national and international levels.

The authorities must establish playing fields wherever required so that the children and youth go there and play. Schools, colleges and universities too must have adequate facilities for students, interested in sports. Reports indicate that a number of schools do not have sports related facilities.

The facilities must be provided there so that the school children develop interest in sports from the very beginning.

Otherwise also, taking part in sports has become imperative now in view of lack of physical activities among children and youth leading to obesity, increasing stress and growing threat of drug addiction.

Sports also teaches one discipline and handling success and failure. Coaching facilities too must be provided to the budding players.

Proper coaching from lower level and lower age helps aspiring sports persons to perform well. There is a need to bring further improvement in sports related field so that more youth get motivated to take part in such activities.

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