SMHS hospital faces shortage of lower rung staff

The SMHS hospital here is facing shortage of lower rung staff, which is affecting the delivery of oxygen cylinders to the Covid19 patients.

An official said the hospital has decided make engagements on contractual basis to overcome the shortage.


The official said the issue was also “brought up during a recent visit of Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to the hospital”.

The official said due to the shortage of the staff, the attendants of covid19 patients have perforce to carry oxygen cylinders from the hospital oxygen plant to the wards by themselves.

A crowd of attendants waiting at the hospital oxygen plant was seen on Tuesday.

“There are nearly 10-12 people associated with the oxygen plant. There is a lot of pressure on them. Ideally, there should have been at least 30 people there,” another official said.

He said that in absence of the lower rung staff, the attendants usually take more oxygen cylinders than are required for their ailing kin. “Yesterday after a COVID-19 patient died in ward 8, his attendant distributed 13 cylinders in the ward,” he said.

As per official claims, SMHS hospital procured 1400 D-type oxygen cylinders post COVID-19, while earlier it had nearly 300 D-type oxygen cylinders.

Medical Superintendent, SMHS Hospital Dr Nazir Choudhary said there was deliberation over the matter with the LG during his recent visit. “We are now waiting for a letter from the government,” he said.

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