SKIMS Bemina organises seminar on reproductive health care

SKIMS Medical College and Hospital Bemina today observed the International Day for Reproductive Health Awareness.

M. S Khuroo, the former director and dean SKIMS Soura and member governing body, SKIMS, Prof. Omar Javed Shah, director/dean SKIMS & EOSG, were the guest of honour.


Prof Reyaz Untoo principal SKIMS Medical College and Hospital presided over the function.

The event was organized by the Department of Community Medicine and Department of Obstetrics and Gynae and was attended by faculty from SKIMS, Lal Ded Hospital and SKIMS MCH Bemina. 

Besides academicians of repute, including Prof G.M.Malik and Prof GN.Yatoo member management committee SKIMS were also present in the function.

A guest lecture was delivered by Dr. Mir Jaffar, a clinical embryologist of high repute heading the Millan Hospital Bangaluru as Scientific Director, wherein he highlighted innovative methods of treatment for childless couples like IUI.IVF, ICSI.

The Principal SKIMS Medical College highlighted the achievements of the Institution.Dr Untoo said that efforts are being made to provide treatment to childless couples as the same are very costly and unaffordable to the public in private sector.

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