‘Mufti Saheb’s party is not disappearing’

The war of words between two senior politicians of J&K turned uglier with former minister and People’s Democratic Party leader Naeem Akhtar Wednesday hitting back at National Conference vice-president Omar Abdullah’s jibe of “applying” to “join NC.”

 “I did not stay as secretary to government to work with you (Omar Abdullah) as Chief Minister and gave up my job,” Naeem Akhtar wrote on his Facebook account while sharing Omar Abdullah’s statement, where the latter had invited the PDP leader to apply, if he wanted, to join NC.


“Joined a party that had just lost elections and your apologists were writing its epitaph just as they are doing now,” Naeem wrote.

“Mufti Saheb’s party (PDP) is not disappearing. You will learn that to your disappointment. How and why should I join you in politics? Look out for servants, bonded labour, dummies without a voice, not self respecting individuals and give up arrogance. You and your party don’t deserve me and the likes of me,” the post further reads.

Earlier, Omar Abdullah asked Naeem Akhtar to “mind his own business.”

“He (Akthar) should save his own party. Does he want to join NC? If he wants, he should send us an application, and we will consider. 

Otherwise he should pay attention to his own party. Not a single day goes by when someone isn’t leaving his party,” Omar said during a media interaction in Jammu.

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