APSCC urges PM Modi to reach out to people in Kashmir

Srinagar, Apr 23: All Parties Sikh Coordination Committee (APSCC) has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to reach out to the people of Kashmir to have a first hand account of the problems being faced by them and come out with a solution to those problems.

In a statement APSCC Chairman Jagmohan Singh Raina said that people of Kashmir have suffered badly. He said that time has come to apply balm to the wounds of Kashmiris and there is no better person than Prime Minister Modi.


“It is important to listen to the voices, emotions and aspirations of the people of Kashmir especially youth. The Prime Minister should reach out to the people of his own and he should not pay any heed to the propaganda dished out by people having vested interests,” said the APSCC Chairman.

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