Asiya-Neelofar case: Two doctors terminated over ‘postmortem report manipulation, conspiracy with Pak’

Srinagar, June 22: The Jammu and Kashmir government has terminated two doctors for allegedly collaborating with Pakistan and falsifying the post mortem reports of Asiya and Neelofar who died in Shopian in 2009.

Confirming the termination of Dr Bilal Ahmad Dalal and Dr Nighat Shaheen Chilloo, a top official of the Jammu and Kashmir government told Greater Kashmir that the doctors played a pivotal role in “distorting the post-mortem report of Asiya and Neelofar, two unfortunate individuals from Shopian who had met an untimely demise due to accidental drowning on May 29, 2009.”


Uncovering the alleged motives behind their actions, the official asserted that the ultimate goal of Dr Bilal Ahmad Dalal and Dr Nighat Shaheen Chilloo was to “sow discord against the Indian state by falsely implicating the security forces in acts of rape and murder.”

“Shockingly, the investigation has unveiled that the higher echelons of the previous government were aware of these facts, which were deliberately concealed as Kashmir experienced turmoil,” added the official.

The official said the alarming nature of this revelation suggests a potential cover-up of critical information that could have influenced the course of events.

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