BJP butchering Kashmiris to fuel its election machinery: KCSDS

Kashmir Centre for Social and Developmental Studies Sunday said it was extremely outraged and deeply pained by the continuous bloodbath unleashed in Kashmir.

“The anti-human government of India has sunk to new depths by ordering operation all-out here to complete the elimination of our community for its larger agenda. What it is doing is intolerable to thought and odious to the soul. If it thinks that it can finish us off and kill our demand  for our rights, it is labouring under misconception because there is a greater power that will plot against them,” the civil society group said in a statement. 


“A country which claims us as her integral part, is killing, brutalising, blinding and crippling us bit by bit ironically to turn their claim on its head, to bring home the point for the millionth time that we are her enemies and not citizens.

“That is why the boys as a response to extreme repression adopt defiant militant attitude. But the State has abdicated all its basic rules, and during midnight cordons off the boys unawares and attacks them not only to kill them but destroy the houses where they are staying. This is worst kind of tyranny that a State is using against those whom it claims to her own citizens. 

“Recent statement of army chief had generated hope that the killings will be stopped as he said that even though this war is unequal yet none is going to win. We had thought there will be change in policy and instead of killing, they will initiate a meaningful dialogue to end the conflict. But it seems BJP is bent on devastating Kashmir and its young generation to win the coming elections and to nourish her nation with Kashmiris’ blood.

“Yesterday’s killings and crushing a boy by a armoured vehicle and Sunday’s carnage in which they have killed 10 more youth shows their cannibal thirst of young blood of Kashmiris to fuel their election machinery.

“Mere condemnations are now rituals as the government has long back stopped caring for its citizens and their opinions. It lives in ivory towers of delusory power which will soon crumble down,” the KCSDS statement said.

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