Blinded by pellets, Pulwama man sent to prison under PSA

The sound of crying could be heard from a distance as neighbours and relatives make their way to the Tramboo house, in the Murran village in Pulwama, to console the family. Their son, the 26-year-old Suhail Ahmad Trumboo, was picked up by the government forces three weeks ago.

On Tuesday morning the family learnt that the son has been booked under PSA. What adds to their sense of anguish is that their son is partially blind thanks to eye wounds inflicted on him by pellets fired by the government forces.


Suhail, who would do menial jobs at construction sites, was taken away by the government forces nearly three weeks ago from his residence at Murran village, some 4 kms towards the east from Pulwama, during a pre-dawn takedown. On Tuesday morning his family learnt that he has been booked under Public Safety Act (PSA) and shifted to KotBhalwal jail in Jammu.

“He (Tramboo) called on my phone from an unknown number and said he was being shifted to a jail in Jammu” said Mohammed Ahsan.

In 2017 Tramboo’s both eyes were punctured by multiple metallic balls when forces fired shot gun ammunition into a crowd, he was part of, in a nearby village. After undergoing a string of surgeries at SMSHS, Srinagar, Tramboo regained partial sight in his left eye. He, however, is not able see through his right eye. Tramboo’s sufferings did not stop here. After he was discharged from the hospital he developed gallstones, giving him an excruciating pain.

“He was put on medicines for some time but finally doctors said that he has  go  under the knife to remove his gall bladder” said Mohammad Ahsan, adding that his health may worsen in the prison as no one is there to take care of him. As the family is in dire straits, Ahsan, who works as a casual labourer says that he could not afford a visit to Jammu to see his son.

His plea was that he at least should be shifted to a jail in Kashmir. Meanwhile, a police officer said that Tramboo was booked for his role in many stone pelting incidents.

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