Crime Branch Jammu recovers abducted Katra girl, arrests accused

ACB files case against Jammu MVD officials for misappropriation of funds --- Representational Photo

Crime Branch Jammu on Wednesday said it has recovered aminor girl and also arrested the Bihar resident accused of abducting her.

In a statement, a spokesman said that a SpecialInvestigation team (SIT) of Crime Branch, Jammu, headed by DySP Mohd Aslamalong with Inspector Jatinder Singh Samyal and HC Ranjeet Kumar were deputed toDelhi in connection with the investigation of case FIR No. 151/2018 U/S 363/109P/S Katra (now under investigation with Crime Branch, Jammu).


He said the team recovered the 17-year-old girl, belongingto Katra area of Reasi district of Jammu.

The spokesman said the accused, Naimudin Ansari (28), aresident of Ganeshpur, Baisakhawa West Champaran, Sikta Bihar was alsoarrested.

Giving details, he said the case was registered with PoliceStation Katra on July 24 last year regarding the abduction of the girl.

“… but since no breakthrough was made with regard to thearrest of the accused and recovery of the abductee by Katra Police, the casewas retransferred to Crime Branch, Jammu by PHQ J&K on 05-02-2019 forfurther investigation,” he said.

Crime Headquarters J&K constituted a SpecialInvestigation Team (SIT) for the investigation purpose and the investigation ofthe case was taken over by Crime Branch, Jammu on 14 February 2019.

“After strenuous efforts and meticulous planning, the teamwas able recover the girl from Dabri Sagarpur, Delhi on 23-07-2019. The accusedis on police remand and further investigation of the case is going on,” hesaid.

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