Girl commits suicide after youth posts her pictures on Internet

A 22-year-old girl in Pulwama district committed suicide after a youth allegedly posted her objectionable pictures on social media. Police, however, was able to arrest the accused immediately.

Family of the deceased girl (name withheld) said that theyfound their daughter unconscious inside her room on Thursday.


“We immediately rushed her to a nearby hospital fromwhere she was sent to SMHS Srinagar where she died. She had consumed poison,”the family said.

The girl, according to the family, was distressed after ayouth had put her pictures on social media.

A police official said that they received a complaint fromthe parents of the deceased girl, saying their daughter was forced to commitsuicide after her objectionable pictures were uploaded on Internet.

He said that after all medico-legal formalities includingthe autopsy, the body was handed over to the family.

The official said that police immediately swung into actionand arrested the accused youth, a resident of Keller, Shopian.

“On his disclosure some more youth are being taken into custody for questioning,” he added.

Gulzar Bhat

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