Identify vulnerable spots along Jhelum, other river banks: DC Bandipora

District Commissioner (DC) Bandipora Dr Owais Ahmed Saturday directed concerned to re-verify and re-asses the designated safe shelter buildings and to identify the vulnerable spots along the banks of river Jhelum and other rivers and streams of the district to stay prepared in case of natural calamity.

He issued these instructions in a meeting held to review disaster preparedness in the district.


On the occasion DC directed formulation of a department wise disaster management plans and asked for feedback and suggestions about the already prepared District Disaster Management Plan.

He directed all the concerned SDMs and Tehsildars, “to re-verify and re-assess the designated safe shelter buildings with respect to their safety and availability of basic minimum facilities therein besides identifying additional buildings for the purpose as per the requirements of vulnerable areas.”

The Deputy Commissioner also asked the officers “to identify the vulnerable spots along the banks of river Jhelum and other rivers and streams of the district so that steps can be taken to ensure safety of these areas and plugging weak banks.”

He also enjoined upon them to make sufficient stock of bags available to plug vulnerable banks in case of flood situation

Dr Owais directed for preparing updated resource inventory, fool proof communication plan, disaster maps mentioning vulnerable areas, flood prone and low-lying areas, vital installation, rivers, Nallas and relief centres.

The meeting was attended by Assistant Commissioner Revenue Reyaz Ahmad Beigh, Sub-Divisional Magistrate Dr Bashir Ahmad, Executive Engineers of Jal Shakti, Irrigation and Flood Control and other senior officers of the district.

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