IED planted on Srinagar-Baramulla highway defused

Government forces on Saturday recovered and defused an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in HMT area on Srinagar-Baramulla highway.

An official said that the IED weighing nearly five kilograms was planted by the militants in HMT area of Srinagar.


Giving details, he said that a patrol party of 44 BN CRPF recovered the IED on the highway around 4 am.

Soon, they said, traffic movement on the highway was suspended and the entire area was sealed by the forces.

A Bomb disposal squad defused the IED around 11 am without causing any damage, following which traffic movement was restored on the highway.

The official said that a major tragedy was averted by the forces by defusing the IED.

Pertinently, an IED planted by Jaish-e-Muhammad militants in Sopore town left four policemen dead last week.

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