Political empowerment of people delayed: Altaf Bukhari

Apni Party President Altaf Bukhari Friday said that the people of Jammu and Kashmir were enduring immense agonies on account of an unnecessary delay in their political empowerment.

A statement of Apni Party issued here said that addressing a joining ceremony of the new entrants from Shopian at the party’s Srinagar office, Bukhari said that there was no substitute to an elected government and a bureaucratic regime can never address the aspirations of the people.


“People give vent to their day-to-day sufferings when they meet us. I think the sense of accountability is missing in our bureaucratic setup. But it happens when you have no elected government in place,” he said underlining the need for early restoration of statehood.

Bukhari said that Apni Party had been repeatedly urging the Government of India not to delay the restoration of statehood to J&K.

“And we are of a firm belief that the statehood alone can prove panacea to the people’s sufferings,” he said.

Bukhari said that the situation in J&K remains appalling with regard to the abrupt stagnation of developmental projects due to the lackadaisical approach of the current administration.

“Apni Party wants resolution to the problems faced by the people at large. The developmental works have come to a standstill in absence of a democratically-elected government and it has become imperative at this point of time that the right to elect an accountable government is given back to the people,” he said.

Bukhari said that Apni Party adheres to the principle of “politics of truth” which demands sincerity and efforts at the grass root levels.

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