Restrictions ordered after Shopian village emerges as ‘epicentre’ of Bird Flu cases among dead crows

Authorities in south Kashmir’s Shopian district have imposed restrictions under section 144 Cr PC around Wadipora village of the district, which has emerged as the epicentre of Avian Influenza cases among dead crows of late.

As per an order issued Monday by Deputy Commissioner Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya, ICAR NISHAD, the reference laboratory for Avian Influenza, has conveyed that samples of dead crows from the district have tested positive for the disease with the epicenter being at Wadipora village of Chitragam tehsil.


Following the development, the area within 1 km of the epicenter has been declared as an infected zone by DC Shopian while the area extending upto 10 km from it has been designated as an alert zone.

There will be complete restriction on poultry meat into the infected zone even as Chief Animal Husbandry Officer Shopian has been asked to carry out a sample survey and backyard poultry population survey around the epicenter, the order said.

Also, CMO Shopian has been asked to ensure surveillance of health of the local population while the local R&B Division and Wildlife department authorities have been asked to coordinate with concerned officials with regard to dumping of dead birds and fumigation of the areas where dead birds are found.

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