US diplomats call on Tanvir Sadiq

Minister Counselor for Political Affairs, Les Viguerie and Alex LeFevre, Political Officer along with A Sukesh Senior Advisor in the US embassy in India on Thursday called on National Conference leader and Political Advisor Tanvir Sadiq and “discussed interests of mutual interest”.

In an hour long meeting Tanvir said that India and Pakistanhave squandered many chances to resolve the Kashmir issue, but there are stillopportunities, a statement issued said.


“Any solution cannot be driven by the barrel of the gun.Good sense has to prevail and an era of peace and prosperity has to begin,”said Tanvir.

Tanvir while interacting with the visiting delegation, said, “As soon as the new government comes into place in Delhi, both India and Pakistan should initiate CBMs to such an extent that there is hardly an iota of suspicion.

Many lives have been lost and it is time that both understand there is serious urgency in resorting to both Track-II diplomacy and direct engagement”. “People of Jammu and Kashmir have been disenfranchised by not holding the Assembly election on time but hoped that now Lok Sabha polls are due to conclude, we can only hope that Centre with the EC gives people of Jammu and Kashmir an elected government which is their right.”

On the issue of special status Tanvir said, “It is the Constitution which gives special status to the state and allows it a “Sadr-e-Riyasat” and “Wazir-e-Azam” – posts equivalent to the President and the Prime Minister. “It is the constitution which talks about J&K’s map, its flag and J&K’s own constitution. And according to that constitution, we have our own prime minister and Sadr-e-Riyasat,” the statment said.

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