Yasin Malik, others still in police custody: JKLF

Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik, zonal president Noor Muhammad Kalwal and many others continue to be in police custody. 

“JKLF chairman who was arrested by police on 5 May 2018, is still in police custody while the Front zonal president Noor Muhammad Kalwal is in police custody for the last 40 days.  


“The district president Ganderbal Bashir Ahmad Rather alias Boya, Mushtaq Ahmad Wani and Assad Ullah Shah are also in police custody since May 6. Also JKLF deputy chief organizer Siraj-ud-Din Mir and district president Baramullah Abdul Rashid Magloo are also languishing in Kotbalwal jail under PSA while as JKLF senior Nazir Ahmad Sheikh is serving a life sentence in Kotbalwal jail, Jammu,” a spokesman of the Front, in a statement today, said.    

Meanwhile, the Front leaders today visited various villages of Pulwama, Shupian and Ganderbal and participated in condolence meetings held for the youth who were recently slain. 

They met with the families of these slain youth and expressed solidarity with them. They visited Rohmoo, Drabgam, Arihal in Pulwama, Hief Shirmal in Shupian and Chundwan in Ganderbal and participated in various condolence meetings

“These martyrs are sacrificing their lives for an honorable cause and the nation of Kashmir is indebted to them,” the spokesman quoted the leaders as having said, adding that “They prayed for peace to departed souls and patience of their kith and kin.”

Meanwhile, the spokesman has paid rich tributes to front slain activists, Umar Mukhtar Khan and Bashir Ahmad Aka Molvi Imran, on their anniversary.

Recalling their struggle and sacrifices, the spokesman said, “Shaheed Umar Mukhtar and Shaheed Molvi Imran were brave sons of soil who stood in the front ranks of resistance and sacrificed their lives for the sacred cause.”

The spokesman, meanwhile, expressed grief and sorrow over the demise of the brother of JKLF slain leader Bashir Ahmad Bugami. 

A JKLF delegation today visited Bogam and expressed condolences to the bereaved family.

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