UAE terror attack blatant violation of international law: India

United Nations: Strongly condemning the drone strikes in Abu Dhabi in which two Indians were killed, India has termed the attacks on innocent civilians and infrastructure as a “blatant violation of international law”, stressing that the Security Council should stand united in sending a clear signal against such heinous acts of terror.

At a Security Council open debate on the Middle East on Wednesday, India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador T S Tirumurti expressed strong condemnation of the recent terror attack in Abu Dhabi, in which three people, including two Indians tragically lost their lives.


Such an attack on innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure is completely unacceptable. It is a blatant violation of international law. It is also against all civilised norms, he said.

Emphasising that India stands in solidarity with the UAE, Tirumurti said New Delhi extends its full support for an unequivocal condemnation by the Council of this terrorist attack.It is important that the Council stands united in sending a clear signal against such heinous acts of terror, he said.

On the morning of January 17, the Houthis targeted the Musaffah ICAD 3 area and the new construction area at Abu Dhabi International Airport, both of which are civilian infrastructure.

The attacks, which led to the explosion of three petroleum tankers, killed two Indian civilians and one Pakistani civilian and injured six other civilians, including two Indians.

The Houthis confirmed responsibility for the attacks, a statement from the UAE mission here said.

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