Abrupt international changes and hard lessons

To the relief of unfortunate people on both sides of the border, cease fire agreement is a welcome decision. People have suffered hugely for the cause not of their making. Last two years were so severe in our relationships that there was hardly any respite from warmongering and dreadful uncertainties arising from the Indo-Pak hostilities. Not with standing that the world opinion and pressure from US to reduce the  tension and make the  line of actual control a safe border, it seems that that there is a realization in Pakistan establishment and  significant political elites  to  work  in line with the new normal, a gradual shift from its established  political paradigm. There are tenable grounds for this change of world view. Nationalism as emerged from modernity or religious doctrines have outlived in a globalized world, where public is private and private no longer is left to manipulations. Nothing remains hidden. Disinformation campaign and mystification, unlike the Cold War era prove counterproductive. There is clear-cut line to describe the meaningful lived life. The preference for the quality of life, geo-economics, governability with efficiency and mobility with dignity have made a ridicule of confessional doom and sacrosanct of nationalism.  The rupture of modernity on one hand, and the ever-increasing lag of codified religion created by scientific advancement on other have diminished the collective meaning for modernity and religion. The humanity craves for multiple- modernity, anew episteme to the order making in a world where nothing can remain hidden and everything is subject to scrutiny through multiple modes of informative technology. What is sustainable, it is the gradual evolution of organic culture, which has its threads in language, habitus, day to day events and in expansion of public sphere with identified traditions.

US could become world leader after the Second World War, when its immediate neighbours endorsed it. A strong and friendly Canada has been the strength of US, though both the countries have progressed on the short history of similar immigrant settlements. China has to realise it if it wants to give wings to its hard cherished dream to become global leader. The Wuhan stigmatised world has forced China to prove more responsible in its trade and deportment.  The changes of leadership in US and President Biden’s priorities have outlined the track of his engagements. The world order is changing for peace and deterrence against irresponsible adventure from any state or non-state elements. It has become clear to the establishment in Pakistan that their mind set towards India does not have purchase in internationalism, which is more for peace, common health, security and geo-economics.   Prime Minister Khan’s  peace priority has become paramount. A political order on religious classification is inoperable to comprehend, unless it is woven with organic cultural evolution of that social political realm. Any solution on social geography through dialogue is possible, only if its small minorities are involved in decision making. No settlement on Kashmir is possible without the consensuses of all stakeholders including Kashmiri pandits. It is better to toe the line of peace and move ahead.  May be we find a hint to it in General Bajwa’s  much talked  statement ‘bury the past and move forward’. The social movements, engineered from somewhere else and supported by different stake holders are no longer sustainable, unlike in the past when borders were tight, people were seduced to illusions through misinformation and  world was not globalised. Covid-19 has taught us lessons how inclusive peace is important for the human existence and for better life chances. Dissent is a part of democratic process and each dissent against the government should not be taken dissent against the state. The leadership of the countries have to come to these terms that the cult politics can sustain with public good, not in patch work stitching. Divisive politics is degenerative process for organic evolution of any society. Peace inside is a continuous mission of citizenry and state. The ruling or elite in opposition have responsibility to remain within the boundaries that makes power and compassion implicit for the welfare of the country. Borders have to become frontiers, which are points of peaceful interactions between two different countries. Post-Covid-19 world is world of power alignments against presumed mistrust and animosity of the other collaborative countries. It is not definable cold war bipolarity of capitalist countries versus communist bloc. In West Asia, Middle East and also in South Asia, the countries face churning with collaborating against each other. The contradiction is complex, Russia supports Armenia but President Putin remains ‘soulless leader’ for President Biden. Chinese President is a riddle. The world is heading towards that consortium where no single country can bully the world.  The international order is making new strides from bipolarity to multi-polarity with concerns of common security. The first summit of the Indo-US-Japan-Australia quadrilateral initiative is a bridging partnership in this regard. While France, Germany and Netherlands have shown their eagerness to join the engagements. Regional unions have expanded. China is alarmed about it. Pakistan’s last three years are seen its lost time and missed opportunities by its opposition. Peace, cooperation and mutual trust alone would work in this fluid and fast changing new normal world, which has been unclothed by Covid-19 and technological revolution in cybernetics. It is wise to keep ones own house in order and nourish it with healthy dissent and consensus politics.


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