An Ounce of Prevention, a Lifetime of Wisdom

After reading the stroke prevention tips on the front page of Greater Kashmir, we were contacted by an elderly gentleman named Sultan (name changed). Though he was unable to write, he expressed a strong desire to share his story with us, a story that he believed needed to be heard by everyone.

Sultan, now in his twilight years, had lived his life as a chronic smoker. For over half a century, he clung to the rationalisation that if so many others were smoking and cigarettes were freely available, it couldn’t be all that harmful. It was a belief he maintained until the day after his retirement when, during a seemingly ordinary lunch, his world turned upside down.


The slurred speech, sudden left-sided weakness, and an unsteady balance were undeniable signs that something was seriously wrong. Thankfully, Sultan’s vigilant wife, the unsung hero of this tale, recognized the urgency of the situation.

The subsequent diagnosis was both a revelation and a stark wake-up call for Sultan. He had suffered an ischemic stroke, caused in part by his smoking habit and high blood pressure. The very habit he had clung to for years now emerged as a major contributor to his deteriorating health. After the hospital stay and the initial medical care, Sultan was faced with a new and challenging reality. He was bedridden and in need of constant care. It was a harsh realisation for him that he had become a burden on his family. Instead of receiving the support he had hoped for from his adult sons, they pointed fingers at his smoking habit and the stroke it had caused. This left his devoted wife as the primary caregiver, a role she assumed with remarkable strength.

During this period of reflection, Sultan couldn’t help but recall another significant episode from his past. When his elder son was just a small child of five, he had met with a severe accident, resulting in multiple fractures in his arm and shoulder. Sultan, determined to provide the best care, had made the crucial decision to seek treatment at a renowned hospital in Delhi. During the following eight months of surgeries and healing, Sultan was a constant presence by his son’s side, offering unwavering support and care. Not once did he place blame on the young boy for his role in the accident.

Now, as Sultan grapples with his health and the realisation of the burden he has become to his wife, he is filled with regret. Despite having a pension to sustain them, the strain on his spouse, both physically and emotionally, is undeniable. From his heart and with the wisdom that comes from life’s trials, Sultan asked us to share the following wisdom in his own words:

“Please stop smoking. I realised its detrimental effects only when it was too late to turn back.” Sultan’s story serves as a powerful warning against the dangers of smoking. His life journey reflects the fact that the harm caused by smoking often remains hidden until it’s too late. His plea is a call to action for anyone who may be underestimating the risks of this habit.

“Do good for your children, but never expect anything in return. Life has its own way of balancing the scales.” Sultan’s story highlights the unpredictability of life and the ebb and flow of relationships. His experience with his adult sons serves as a poignant reminder that acts of kindness and love should be given freely, without expecting reciprocation.

“Take care of your health because if you ever face a disability, it is you and your spouse who will bear the brunt of it. It’s a challenge that no one else can fully understand.” This lesson speaks to the profound impact of health on both individuals and their partners. Sultan’s journey illustrates the importance of prioritizing health while we have the chance, recognizing that it directly affects not only our own lives but those who love and care for us.

“Above all, invest in your health. Regular health screenings and prompt treatment of any illnesses are paramount. Your well-being should be a priority, not an afterthought.” Sultan’s story serves as a compelling endorsement of proactive health management. His own experiences underscore the significance of regular health check-ups and immediate action when issues arise. It’s a reminder that our well-being should always be at the forefront of our priorities.

Sultan’s narrative offers profound insights into the consequences of our choices, the complexities of family dynamics, and the vital importance of health and well-being. It’s a story that resonates with lessons for all, urging us to consider our actions, prioritise our health, and cherish the love and support of our families.

Dr Showkat Rashid Wani is a Senior Coordinator, Distance Education, University of Kashmir

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