Draw a comprehensive plan

During the pandemic months, especially the durations when lockdown, or restrictions, were in place, we had relatively less traffic plying on our roads. Naturally the pressure on the roads was less all this while.

As the schools remained closed for these months, there was an extra relief because school buses were off the roads.


But from past some days, as we saw the opening up of the schools, we are witnessing huge rush of vehicles on our roads, especially during peak hours.

What has added to the problem, particularly around major schools, is that many parents pick and drop their kids themselves.

All this has resulted in traffic jams at many places in the city. To add to the traffic woes, we have, reportedly, some spots where the smart camera controlled traffic lights need some fixing.

This is creating chaotic scenes, and gives tough time to people who are caught in a jam. Even the wider roads, that had a relatively smooth flow of traffic up until yesterday, are now witnessing traffic jams.

As if all this was not enough, we have people parking their cars on roads sides, thus adding to the over all messy situation.

In this condition, the concerned authorities will have to reconfigure their plans to manage the traffic, especially during peak hours.

To this end, there is need to adjust school timings so that it doesn’t clash with peak hours.

Two, an elaborate plan also needs to be drawn to find out parking spaces, so that people don’t park their vehicles on road sides.

And in case any one does, their should be penalties imposed that can act as a deterrent.

What can also help in this regard is to ask shopping malls, and other offices, situated on main roads, to create parking slots within their own premises.

Three, where ever smart camera controlled traffic lights face any problems, it needs to be quickly fixed. All these factors that contribute to traffic jamming need immediate attention.

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