For the sake of future

These last two years upended many things in our lives. This virus that thrust a lockdown on us as it arrived, gave us worst healthcare crisis, made millions sick, and filled our graveyards; thus changed the way we look at the world. We now have a world in front of us that is significantly altered.

The most devastating impact, in this crisis, has been on the mental health. We just observed the Mental Health Day on 10th October. Almost all the experts in the filed would tell you that covid complicated the already convoluted scenario.


We had already a mounting pressure in terms of the cases of mental illness. But this crisis gave us many more. The most worrying aspect is the negative impact on children.

In any crisis situation that engulfs us at a collective level it is the children who are the worst victims. Since children don’t have the wherewithal to deal with any abnormality, they often bend under such pressures. In this crisis, our children were, and still are, off schools.

This has completely snatched from them the routine through which they would normally look at things. So this is an abnormal situation for them. They don’t meet their teachers, their friends, and have least opportunities to go out and have fun.

This has brought severe pressure to these tender brains. Now it is the responsibility of parents to provide children a soothing and calm atmosphere at home, so that they negotiate these crises without getting adversely impacted.

Parents need to help children establish a routine that is light, productive, and refreshing. Emphasis on learning, and preparing for exams is good, but at the same time there is dire need to keep our young brains stress free.

These are unusual times and we need to help our children pass though without damaging their personalities and mental capacities. Till the time schools open, classes resume, and outdoor activities take off, it is the responsibility of parents to ensure safe and sound personality of children.

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