It is a capital crime

In our part of the world the indices related to an individual’s health are not that healthy.

One of the major reasons why we have health related problems is the food we consume.


The deterioration in the quality of the food we consume has brought terrible results to fore.

The studies in our hospitals clearly reflect that the rise in dangerous diseases, like cancer, are linked to the food we consume. In this regard experts have been underlining the implications of junk food.

The research also reflects that things like spices, pulses, red and white meet, that are available in our markets need a strict vigil to ensure its quality.

Today we are again confronted by this threatening scenario that adulteration, and other ways of compromising quality, in such items is a real problem.

We have often come across news stories about the concerned department exposing organised groups involved in adulteration.

Such storied provided a peek into the depth of the problem. We know that such things happen in the length and breath of this place.

The food items available in our markets pose a threat to our health, and the concerned authorities will have to draw a comprehensive plan to weed out the unwanted elements from the food shelves, in our markets.

The occasional and sporadic actions is no remedy. How such adulterants find their way into the godowns of food makers, and how it is sold in the market; the entire chain needs to be exposed. Each one in the chain is an offender and deserves severe punishment.

A concerted public campaign, involving the concerned government agencies and civil society formations, can be initiated to ensure long term results.

It is nor just a problems of making money through wrong means, it is an assault on the health of people. It is in fact, an attempt to kill people.

While taking action against such erring elements all this needs to be taken into account.

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