On corruption

For a pretty long time on national corruption chart, we are almost on the top. Astonishingly, no one is bothered about this disgraceful tag. A few decades earlier such tagging was considered shameful for individuals, while societies would never tolerate such disgrace. Materialism has crippled our social system where values and virtues have become irrelevant. Gone are the days when corrupt were collectively named and shamed irrespective of their stature and status. Corruption is now an inseparable part of our society; an accepted fact that no one can dare to refute. In common parlance, corruption is simple bribery, but present-day corruption is much more than that. It is multi-faceted and includes nepotism and exchange of favours. These days corruption is a full-fledged trade that runs parallel to administrative setups and gives a tough time to a social system with its own rules chiefly governed by brazen deceit. Corruption is as old as civilisation and occurs in almost all societies. All of us discuss corrupt; their shameful acts and try to dissect corruption. But very less look into the genesis of corruption. Corruption is a modus operandi that amazingly creates a modus vivendi (congenial arrangement of co-existence) for both the exploiter and the exploited.

Anyways, the lesser we define the features of corruption better it is for the future of mankind and societal order. However, in Kashmir corrupt and corruption have gone too far. Brushing corruption under the carpet too long will be unfair as it has compounded our social structure and tarnished our political system. Unfortunately, corrupt neo-riches decide how we should behave as a society and justify the silly social practices. Without generalising a substantial part of Kashmiri society is not shy of dishonesty anymore and feel comfortable with the fraudulent!


Interestingly, we make enough noise about corruption, but when it knocks at our door with rosy offers, temptations run high and many of us make unbelievable compromises. Everyone either in the administration or the society have failed miserably in curbing corruption. The reason is no one cares or has the will to stand against corruption. The existing turmoil has created a situation of fear—paranoia, so nobody bothers to oppose or report corruption and wrongdoings. In this game of nerves, it is corrupt with their deep tentacles and a strong system of deceit who advantageously take the upper hand and dictate terms. Unfortunately, corruption in Kashmir on many occasions is used as a political tool to put down and browbeat the opponents. Accusing each other of corrupt practices and doing nothing against corruption is very common for Kashmir polity when out of power. However, while being in command, all of them resort to corrupt practices and favouritism (exceptions can be there).

The corrupt mafia in Kashmir having their presence in every field have turned so powerful that they are almost above the law and beyond the purview of the existing rules. Corrupt giants chose their area of operation and the target at their own sweet will. Within the society, they place themselves at prominent and strategic positions with money and muscle power. And in the administration flouting all rules and regulations with the blessings of political masters and patrons the virtue-less corrupt position themselves where they can fleece with ease. Kashmiri people experience all kind of corruption, but today let me have your attention towards a distinctive aspect of exploitation. Kashmir with its unique geographic location and very little established private sector mostly depends on the state-run economy. So most of the corruption brews within the corridors of administration and its smaller units down below. Deliberate delay in budgetary allotments and releases for executing developmental schemes and works has become a norm in the administrative setup. In a state where the working season is limited because of climatic limitations, the desperation of people is harnessed by the corrupt to their choice. A cursory look will reveal hundreds of people within the administration who have been stationed against all norms and rules and do nothing but create miseries for people and earn a bad name for the administration by delaying financial flow.   Quarterly allocations, allotments, releases, UCs (utility certificates), state-share, central-share and much more are the buzzwords that are frequently used to scare the executing agencies, the beneficiaries and the common people but at the end of the day it all becomes irrelevant and mute when the king of all words and deeds the monstrous ‘corruption’ takes centre stage. Time has come administration should review its financial allocation and allotment mechanism. Shunt and make accountable all those who have created a relationship of corruption in administration’s financial allocation system. This obnoxious nexus is the ultimate culprit of delay in developmental projects and schemes. And deprive the people of their legitimate rights.


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