BJP working for value based development politics: Sat Sharma

Jammu: Senior BJP leader Sat Sharma today said that his party is working for value based development politics.

He said BJP is doing so with a vision to develop a transparent and vibrant democracy.


“Dynasty based politics gave rise to corruption, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, agricultural distress, regionalism, and every other social evil in society. This has added to the social distress to common masses, which is now being meticulously corrected by the Modi government”, said Sat Sharma.

Sat Sharma, former BJP president and former Minister along with former MLA Ashwani Sharma, JMC Councillor & BJP SC Morcha Seh-Prabhari Jeet Angral, and BJP SEM Shailja Gupta listened to the public grievances at BJP Headquarters, Trikuta Nagar, Jammu.

While listening to the grievances, Sat Sharma added that Bharatiya Janata Party has changed the discourse of Indian political system.

PM Modi and every BJP activist have toiled hard to achieve this feast by attending to the issues and grievances faced by the masses in every difficult time just like Covid marred time.

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