Police Martyrs Memorial T-20 cricket c’ship concludes

the 8th Police Martyrs Memorial T-20 Cricket championship concluded at Kathua here today. Governor Satyapal Malik graced the occasion on the closing ceremony.

The Governor complimented the Kathua Police and Shaheed Welfare Committee for their efforts in organizing T-20 Cricket Championship. He also appreciated the people of Kathua for their support to this championship. He later on distributed trophies and prizes among the winner and runner-up teams. The Governor also distributed gifts among the NOK of martyrs.


On this occasion Director General of Police Dilbag Singh was the guest of honor.

DGP thanked the government for addressing all the issues of police personnel on priority.

Earlier, SP Kathua Sridhar Patil welcomed the guests and gave details of the tournament. Besides senior officers from police and civil administration, a large gathering witnessed the final match and the closing ceremony.

Sixteen teams including four from the state and twelve from rest of North India participated in the championship. Final match was played between L.B Shastri Cricket Club Delhi and Haryana Cricket Academy. L.B Shastri Club lifted the championship was awarded cash prize of rupees 3.50 lakh. Runner up ream was given cash prize of rupees 2.50 lakh. Man of the series was given Alto car and best batsman, best bowler and man of the match each were given motor bikes.

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