‘Preventive strategies must to prevent drug abuse’

Srinagar, June 26: In a demonstration of unity against growing threat of drug addiction and illicit trafficking, SKIMS Medical College Bemina organised an event against Drug Addiction and Illicit Trafficking.

Distinguished personalities and budding medical professionals gathered to tackle the pressing issue, emphasising prevention, support, and breaking the chains of stigma.


Under the theme “People First: Stop Stigma and Discrimination, Strengthen Prevention,” the college auditorium transformed into a hub of discussions, solutions, and inspiration. The guests, including Khurshid Ahmad Ganai, Ex-Advisor to Governor, and Prof Bashir Ahmad Laway, Dean of SKIMS Deemed University, lent their voices to the cause.

With passion and urgency, the experts addressed the alarming rise of drug addiction, enlightening the audience about the devastating impact on individuals, families, and society as a whole. The resounding message echoed throughout the hall – addiction is not a choice, but a disorder that demands empathy and compassionate treatment.

Dr Abdul Majid, Professor and Head of Psychiatry at SKIMS Bemina, took the stage to advocate for preventive strategies and early intervention through comprehensive awareness campaigns. Stressing the vital role of families and communities, he urged for a united front against the relapse, a common challenge faced by those battling substance abuse. Dr Majid further encouraged the youth to channel their energy into sports and recreational activities, offering them a positive outlet for their struggles.

Khurshid Ganai, shed light on the need for increased research on substance abuse. He drew attention to the severe complications that often accompany addiction, including psychiatric disorders, Hepatitis B&C, and even HIV/AIDS. His words echoed the urgency for comprehensive solutions that encompass both physical and mental health aspects.

Prof Irfan Rubbani, Principal of SKIMS Medical College, emphasised the importance of strengthening mental health facilities within the college. By doing so, he envisioned a reduced disease burden and a brighter future for the community. Other speakers, including Ghulam Jeelani Nahvi, Dr Bashir Ahmad Dar, Dr Nighat Jabeen, Dr Mohammad Maroof Shah, and Zaffar Iqbal, echoed the sentiment, each highlighting a unique aspect of prevention, support networks, and eliminating the stigma surrounding addiction.

As the panel discussion concluded, the stage was set for the enthusiastic medical students of SKIMS Medical College to showcase their talent and knowledge in a poster and presentation competition. The room buzzed with creativity and innovation, as the future doctors presented their research on addiction and prevention strategies. The winners, with their minds brimming with ideas and hearts committed to change, were celebrated and rewarded with mementos and certificates of appreciation.

The event witnessed an overwhelming turnout of heads of departments, faculty members, and eager participants. The competition judges experts in their respective fields – Dr Nizam ud Din, Dr Manzoor Ahmad Teli, and Dr Beenish – meticulously evaluated the entries, ensuring that the best ideas were recognized and acknowledged.

Dr Yasmeen Jan, Assistant Professor of Community Medicine, extended a heartfelt vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all those who contributed to the resounding success of the event. The SKIMS Medical College community left the auditorium that day, more determined than ever to combat the scourge of drug addiction, armed with knowledge, compassion, and an unyielding commitment to create a society.

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