Usmanabad residents aghast over waterlogging

The residents of Lane-3, Usmanabad Colony, near Shalteng here on Bandipora highway here complained that the water logging in their lane has made their life miserable.

A delegation from the area said that whenever it rains, the lane gets inundated crippling the movement of the residents, particularly the children and the elderly. “Rains for us are like a doom. The study of our children gets disturbed as they are not able to go to the schools due to waterlogged lanes,” the residents said.


They said that have several times raised the issue with the authorities concerned. ‘Every time we were assured that a drain will be constructed in the lane to resolve our problem, but nothing has so far been done,” they said. 

They said some months ago, a team of engineers of the government had visited the lane and marked it for making the drain. “But since then nothing has been done,” they complained.

The residents said that almost for the entire year, the lane remains marooned. “Even where is a little more than drizzle, our lane gets submerged,” they said.

The residents fervently appealed Governor to look into the issue. ” We shall be highly obliged if he addresses our problem,” the residents said.

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