SSM Engineering students develop Fuel Tank Detection System

In current times, petroleum is a very limited resource. As a result, fuel prices climb higher every day. It has become more than difficult for the average human being to keep up with the skyrocketing prices of fuel every day.

Adding to that are fuel thefts by fuel sellers/providers which result in more financial loss for the common people.


Tampering of fuel apparatus at fuel stations is not uncommon these days, resulting in customers paying more than the amount of fuel they actually purchase.

This calls for a system on the customer’s side to be put in place to track their fuel intake to avoid financial losses.

Many technologies provide the solution for the above-mentioned problem. Especially, Internet of Things(IoT) can help control and monitor the fuel consumption and level of fuel in the tank.

Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that allows a variety of things to have a presence in an environment and to be interconnected by the virtue of wired or wireless connections and unique addressing schemes.

These devices (things) are capable of interacting with each other and cooperating over this network resulting in new applications/services and reach varied goals.

This concept converges the real, the digital and the virtual devices to create smart environments that make areas like energy, transport, cities, etc. more intelligent.

The primary goal of Internet of Things (IoT) is to enable devices to be connected anytime, anywhere using any path/network and service. Idea behind the project: In day today life, fuel become a social need of humans and the problem of fuel is a major problem. Idea behind this project is to overcome the financial problem of the people.

The Quality and Quantity of fuel are not given accurately. In this project, the Quality and Quantity of fuel are measured, and also measured the Ethanol quantity that is already set by the Law of Government i.e, 10%.

Brief Description:

Fuel Management Systems (FMS) are used to maintain, control, and monitor the fuel consumption in any type of organization that uses transport, including rail, road, air, and water as means of business. Currently, organisations are facing a serious problem in managing fuel transportation due to manual monitoring.

This manual monitoring provides an inefficient way of calculating and analysing fuel ingestion and can lead to financial losses for the company. In the typical scenario used by most organizations, there is no logging or auditing mechanism to check that the number of litres written on the receipt corresponds to the actual amount of fuel in the tank.

The driver takes the vehicle to the fuel depot, fills the tank, and gets the receipt from the pump manager, mentioning the number of litres of fuel inserted into the vehicle tank, date and the amount.

The driver gives this receipt to the person in charge of the organization, which keeps up the record and sends the amount to the pump owner at the end of the month.

This scenario is affected by many possible flaws: the driver does not know whether the amount of fuel inserted in the vehicle is the same as the amount declared on the receipt.

Another flaw of the system is caused by misleading information created by the pump station manager. A third example would be the involvement of the staff from the company’s management personnel who commit fraud by falsifying information regarding the amount of fuel inserted.

Many companies must keep all the above-mentioned factors into account, therefore the need for an automated electronics system (AES) that not only checks the fuel ingested but also digs out the theft of fuel in order to save the company from loss.

Furthermore, this system provides an efficient way of tracking vehicles in order to localize the fuel Tankers as well as a software database for fuel records, residing on end users’ workstations or mobile phones.

The database contains the number of fuel litres at the time of insertion and the number of fuel thefts when the volume of the tanker changes a lot before reaching the destination.

Fuel transportation or fuel delivery to the sites takes place through various ways such as approved highway tanks, heavy ships, trains and through pipelines. This system only focuses on highway fuel tankers for the transportation of fuel on the subject of management.

The System offers the most comprehensive solution on the market for knowing exactly how much fuel is inserted and how much is lost. From complete fuel accountability to total reconciliation and protection against fuel theft, this keeps our assets covered.

This system provides an efficient, cost-effective and automated fuel management system that is specially customized for the companies of Pakistan that view stealing fuel as a serious problem but due to costly existing solutions, it is difficult for them to afford the systems already available on the market.

Future Scope:

We have been discussing the modifications we want to corporate into the prototype because we had limited time and resources. In the future, we hope to provide a mechanism to overcome the problem of refilling tanks and detect the leakage of the fuel tanks. We are working in new upcoming projects that will be fruitful for people and the problems of people will overcome.

Fuel Tank Detection System project has been developed by Iqra Qadir, Lone Muskaan, and Rabia Jeelani Shah of SSM College of Engineering, Department of Computer Engineering 7th semester.

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