2 injured in oxygen plant explosion in Baramulla

Baramulla: Two technicians suffered severe burn injuries after one of the oxygen plant panels in Government Medical College Baramulla developed snag and bursted on Monday morning. The injured technicians have been identified as Asif Ashraf, resident of Delina Baramulla and Saleem Nabi Khan of Kanlibagh Baramulla. The injured were shifted to SKIMS Srinagar for advanced treatment.

The employees working at the oxygen plant said that the incident happened after two of the employees working in the oxygen plant tried to set one of the oxygen plant panels on. “The plant panel suddenly burst in flame and inflicted severe burn injuries on the face of technicians,” said one of the technicians working at the oxygen plant.


While holding officials of the mechanical department of the oxygen plant responsible, the technicians working at the plant said that they have communicated to the officials about some snag in the oxygen plant panel. However, despite the passing of ten days, the officials did not change the panel with the result that triggered this incident.

“Had authorities changed the panel, the incident would not have happened. The officials of the oxygen plant should be made accountable for the incident,” said one of the technicians.

Meanwhile, the principal Government Medical College Baramulla, Rubi Reshi said that both the technicians have suffered burn injuries on face but were stable. Over the allegation of fault in the panel, the Principal GMC said that she will look into the matter. “Over the charges of snag in the oxygen plant panel, I will initiate an inquiry so that the actual cause of the incident surfaces,” Reshi said.

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