Army chief warns Pakistan

Army chief general Bipin Rawat Tuesday warned Pakistan that India will not hesitate to carry out “strong action against its inimical moves”, asserting that the army was “giving enemies along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir a befitting reply and inflicting heavy losses”.

In his address at the Delhi cantonment here on the occasion of army day, general Rawat also said that efforts were on to maintain peace and tranquillity along the border with China, adding army soldiers guarding the border will not allow any compromise on India’s interests.


Elaborating on the army’s modernisation plan, he said a major restructuring of the force is being initiated, besides induction of a range of missiles, tanks, and other weapons including M-777 and K9 howitzers.

Both M-777 howitzers and K9 Vajra, which were inducted last year, were showcased at the army day parade.

In his address, Rawat extensively talked about the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and said India’s neighbour on the western border “continues to support militant groups operating in the state”.

“Our forces are giving a befitting reply to our enemies along the Line of Control. They are suffering heavy losses. I am warning our enemy (across the LoC) that we will not hesitate in carrying out strong action against any inimical action,” he said.

“We are ensuring moral dominance along the border in Jammu and Kashmir and we will continue to do so,” he assured.

He said the Indian army has ensured “heavy damage to militants in the state”.

“Youths in Jammu and Kashmir are being terrorised and forced to take up arms… We do not want that people in J&K are disturbed. Our neighbouring country has a hand in these activities. Militants are being trained and given arms by our neighbouring country,” the army chief said in an obvious reference to Pakistan.

Referring to the border with China, he said the armies of both India and China have issued new guidelines to their respective forces.

“Efforts are on to maintain peace and tranquillity along the (eastern) border. But we will keep reviewing the situation. Our soldiers will not allow any compromise in guarding the border in the eastern sector,” Rawat said, adding that the orders given by the government will be strictly followed.

On the northeast, he said the situation is peaceful in the region and the army is carrying out regular anti-insurgency operations.

He also urged army personnel and their families to be careful in using social media which he said is being used for radicalisation.

Referring to criticism of the army’s pyramid structure, the army chief said: “For us, the VIP is the soldier who faces the enemy along the LoC”.

Rawat also talked about coordination with the Navy and the Air force.

“We will achieve decisive victory along with the Navy and the Air Force in case of a war,” he said.

The army, he asserted, was carrying out major restructuring and modernisation of the army.

“The security challenge facing the country will become more complex in the coming years. We will have to keep enhancing our combat prowess so that we can defeat our adversaries. I assure that we will keep the trust reposed on us by the people of the country,” he said.

On the issue of disability pension, Rawat said he was focussing on removing disparities in disability pensions.

He also awarded 15 Sena Medals (including five posthumously) for individual acts of gallantry.

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