Political leaders condemn targeted killing

Srinagar: Political leaders cutting across party lines including former chief ministers Farooq Abdullah, Omar Abdullah and Ghulam Nabi Azad, former uion minister Saifuddin Soz and former minister Altaf Bukhari condemned the killings of the minority community members in south Kashmir’s Pulwama district on Sunday.

A statement of National Conference (NC) issued here said that the NC President Farooq Abdullah and Vice President Omar Abdullah Sunday condemned yet another targeted killing of a Kashmiri Pandit, Sanjay Sharma in Pulwama.


The NC president said, “I am deeply saddened to know about the barbaric killing of Sanjay. The bereaved family has my deepest sympathies and unwavering support. Words of condemnation and condolence ring hollow as do the assurances of the government on safeguarding the lives of people. This killing yet again raises the troubling question on the security apparatus and the law and order situation in Kashmir.”

Condemning the killing, the NC vice president said, “I am deeply saddened to hear of the demise of Sanjay Sharma of Achan, Pulwama. Sanjay was working as a bank security guard and was killed earlier today. I unequivocally condemn this attack and send my condolences to his loved ones.”

Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) Chairman Ghulam Nabi Azad condemned the killing saying that it was a matter of grave concern.

“Any killing, especially a targeted killing, is a matter of grave concern and condemnable. We condemn it,” Azad told reporters.

The former chief minister said every targeted killing was condemnable, be that of a Kashmiri Pandit or a Muslim or a Sikh and whether the victim was from Kashmir or Jammu.

Former Union Minister Saifuddin Soz strongly condemned the terror act in which a minority community member was shot dead in south Kashmir’s Pulwama.

In a statement issued here, Soz said, “I am shocked and deeply saddened to hear that terrorists have attacked and killed an innocent civilian from the minority community in Pulwama. I wonder what the killers want to achieve by shedding the blood of innocent civilians. Such acts of terror should be condemned in strongest possible terms by one and all. The perpetrators of this brutal crime must be nabbed and brought to book.”

Expressing sympathy with the kith and kin of the victim, Soz said, “My heart goes out to the victim’s family members, who have met with an inconsolable and irreparable loss. May Almighty give them strength to bear the pain of this tragedy and rest the departed soul in eternal peace.”

Former minister and Apni Party President Altaf Bukhari strongly condemned the terror act in which the minority community member was shot dead in Pulwama.

“I am shocked and deeply saddened to hear that terrorists have attacked and killed an innocent civilian from the minority community in Pulwama. The victim Sanjay Sharma was on his way to a local market in Pulwama when he was shot. I wonder what the killers want to achieve by shedding the blood of innocent civilians. Such acts of terror should be condemned in strongest possible terms by one and all,” he said. “The perpetrators of this brutal crime must be nabbed and brought to justice.”

Expressing sympathy with the kith and kin of the victim, Bukhari said, “My heart goes out to the victim’s family members, who have met with an inconsolable and irreparable loss. May Almighty give them strength to bear the pain of this tragedy and rest the departed soul in eternal peace.”

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