Leaving behind 2020


J. H. Reshi



With the advent of a New Year world’s biggest ever vaccination program has just begun to unfold. Pfizer (American) and Biotech (German) are leading pharmaceutical companies with a proven over 95% efficacy rate. UK was the first country in the world to grant approval for its emergency use across the country. Most of the developed countries and other rich countries in the world have in advance booked enough of dozes to cover their entire populations. But majority of the underdeveloped and poor countries are finding it hard to find out ways and means to round up requisite finances for it. Therefore the World Health Organization and other affluent countries or nongovernmental organizations may have to step in and help out all such countries as far as possible to defeat this pandemic. As the only way out to make world Covid-19 free is the complete vaccination of each and every person on the planet Earth.

We need two doses to be administered with an interval of four weeks in between to ensure absolute immunity from it. The process of vaccination as a whole is highly complicated, beginning from large scale manufacturing, transportation and maintaining of required freezing temperatures all the way is a very tedious job.

Anyways even when it may show signs of any decline or going away altogether then the real challenge of all times for all the countries around the world is going to begin. That is how to bring people back to work and the shattered economies on the track. As millions of people round the world have lost their jobs and are dependent on their respective governments for their financial support and countless food banks stand created by the nongovernmental organizations all over the world to feed the hungry and down trodden people across the world.

Surprisingly most of the affluent countries in the world, particularly European, and the US have suffered the most, over ninety million infections, two million deaths world wide and 345,000 deaths in the US alone. China, wherefrom it all had begun, other Asian countries and African countries, have comparatively suffered less. While as hundreds and thousands of doctors and para medics first in the line of fire have either lost their lives or have suffered worst psychological traumas of their lives while trying to save others as they had no one around to take care of them. People have not been able to spend their last moments with their near and dear ones or even saying a formal good bye. They were buried by the strangers and most of them did not even get a decent burial which they deserved.  Children have not been able go to school for months together. Air travel and public transport was brought to a grinding halt. Tourist and entertainment industry have to restart it all over again from zero.

Despite all these horrific scenes and losses, how the world at large has managed to pull on is quite astonishing and hard to believe. People have shown a great deal of resilience and courage to bear the brunt of this pandemic and extend a helping hand wherever and in whatever way possible. How the companies and governments around the globe have been able to pay wages to the millions of their workers and employees is hard to believe but somehow it seems so far they seems to have done well. And in the meanwhile world has learnt to adapt to a new life style that is staying home and working from there as far as possible.

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