The Miraculous Journey

The heart of every Muslim is filled withlove for the Holy Prophet Mohammad (SAW). As the Prophet (SAW) is the greatestbenefactor of humanity, the whole mankind has love for him (SAW). All theMuslims are bound to love Prophet (SAW), by following every deed of his lifewhich will signify that we love him. Allah says about the status of the HolyProphet (SAW),

“Say (O Mohammad SAW to mankind): If you(really) love Allah then follow me, (Mohammad SAW), Allah will love you…”


The faith of the Muslims demands thatProphet (SAW) should be dearer to them than anybody and anything in this world.A Hadith (Tradition) describes the Prophet as saying,

“None of you has faith unless I am dearerto him than his father and his son and all mankind.”

The Holy Quran says about the life ofProphet (SAW),

“And verily, you (O Mohammad SAW) are anexalted standard of character”

Hazrat Aishah (RA) says about the noblecharacter of the Holy Prophet (SAW) “His character is a complete explanation ofQuran.”

It means that whatever is commanded andprohibited in the Quran, its practical example is present in the manners ofMohammad (SAW). Whatever Prophet (SAW) spoke and preached to the humanity istrue and perfect and our duty is to believe his sayings completely, which willlead us to the ultimate success and salvation.

The greatest moment of Prophet’s (SAW) lifewas that when on the commands  of Allah,Prophet (SAW) accompanied by Gabriel, (AS), the archangel, made a journey ofthe heavens. This miraculous incident happened before 1408 years on 27th of theIslamic month of Rajab during night. It is this miraculous and amazing journeywhich is called as the Al-Mi-raj.

On 27th of Rajab when Gabriel (AS), thearchangel came to Prophet (SAW) during night on the commands of Allah to informhim that Allah wills to meet his beloved Mohammad (SAW). At that time Prophetwas taking rest in the small house of Hazrat Umme Hani (RA). During rest alsoour beloved Prophet (SAW) was remembering Allah in his heart and was praying toAllah for our forgiveness. Allah had commanded to the angels to postpone alltheir engagements and be ready to receive His beloved Prophet (SAW), the lastProphet and the angel Rizwan, custodian of heavens had been commanded to openthe doors of all heavens in honor of Prophet (SAW). The Messenger (SAW) ofAllah was carried from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to the distant Mosque inJerusalem on a horse called Al-Buraq in the company of Gabriel. There he (SAW)alighted and in the Mosque led the Prophets in prayer. After that Gabriel (AS)took him to the heavens on the same Al-Buraq and when they reached the firstheaven, Prophet (SAW) saw Adam (AS), the father of mankind. The Prophet (SAW)saluted him and Adam (AS) expressed his faith in his Prophethood. Then Gabriel(AS) took the Prophet (SAW) to the second heaven and there he saw John, the sonof Zachariya (Yahya bin Zakariya) and Jesus son of Mary. Prophet (SAW) salutedthem and they returned the salutation. On reaching the third heaven, they sawJoseph (Yousuf AS) and saluted him. On reaching the fourth heaven, they met theprophet Enoch (Idris AS).In the fifth heaven; they met the Prophet Aaron (HarunAS). In the sixth heaven Prophet (SAW) met Moses (Musa AS). On meeting Mohammad(SAW), Musa (AS) wept and our Prophet (SAW) asked the reason of weeping andMusa (AS) answered that he was weeping because he could not take his people tothe heaven as he (SAW) has been able to do. On the seventh heaven, he metAbraham (Ibrahim AS) and both saluted each other. After the visit of theheavens,  he (SAW) was taken toSidrat-al-Muntha (the remotest lote tree) and was shown Al- Bait- al-Ma’mur(the much frequented house) which is like the Ka”ba ( Sacred House) encompasseddaily by 70 thousand angels who once encompass it, would not get a chance againtill the Day of Judgment. Gabriel stopped his journey at this point and toldProphet (SAW), that he can not accompany him because he can not resist theDivine Presence of Allah. According to the Prophet (SAW), from this point, hewent ahead alone and passed through many Hijabs, the distance could be traveledin 500 years. He was then presented to the divine presence of Allah and heexperienced the joy of the divine glory and manifestation at the closestdistance. In the Holy Quran, Allah says,

“Then he approached and came closer.”(Surah, An- Najm—- The Star)

The significance of the miraculous journeywas that Allah willed to show the Prophet (SAW) all the signs which He hadrevealed to him through the Holy Quran so that His beloved Prophet would havefaith with certainty. Allah says in the Holy Quran,

“… In order that we might show him (SAW) ofour verses. (Ayat”)

The Miraculous Journey was a test for allthose people who had accepted Islam as their way of life and it is a test forus also that we believe what our Prophet (SAW) saw and revealed to us from theexperience of the Great Journey During The Night. We should be proud of thefact that our prophet (SAW) was exalted in the greatest way.

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