Understanding: Cure to any mental illness

Let it pass. It’s fine. You are overthinking literally, I had a panic attack. I’m not feeling well. For how long I have to go through this trauma!!

These are some of the phrases many of us may have heard from several people around. If you have never struggled with a mental health issue, you may not give these phrases a second thought. It has become hellish for the sufferers to make people believe in their illness as most of the people think they are doing it for  sympathy or drama. Due to immorality, those who go through it, have to battle in every piece of unwanted thought in silence. What their situation demands is a genuine understanding, which they fail to receive. Just because mental illness doesn’t have physical symptoms, it doesn’t imply that it doesn’t exist. We just find it much easier to ignore them.


People often confuse stress or anxiety with depression. “DEPRESSION” is not only a feeling but a mental health disorder, characterised by persistently negative mood, loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life. In a nutshell it is a set of incessant, anxious, and stressful feelings leading to strenuous thoughts. It’s estimated that almost half of the population suffers from depression at some stage in life.

There can be so many reasons for getting into depression but the most usual one is the constant pessimistic thoughts we think, and the belief we keep holding staunchly we create our own negatives and one negative thought leads to an unending chain of the same. Rather than joining this queue, it’s important to learn why we get down, and then how can transform it. The only way to do so, is it work on yourself everyday. No matter where you are in life, how low you have sunk and how incept your situation is, just keep in head that this is not the end. “Every dark cloud  has a silver  lining”. We must value  ourself enough in order to take the time from 24 hours to spend with ourselves.  We can opt for counseling   that involves talking about our problems either with a trained mental health professional or with a close fellow. Talking therapies can help us to talk freely, without any fear of criticism or judgment.

This of course doesn’t make your life perfect all of sudden. The same life challenges will show up, but if your mind is strong and peaceful, flourshing with optimistic thoughts, your reactions to the challenging times will be different and indeed positive. You will feel robustly confident and others will look to you, not with pity but with hope as your strength.

(The author is a Law Student at Central University of  Kashmir.)

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