Bakhshi Stadium to host celebration of Independence Day

Srinagar: The Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole today convened a meeting to review the arrangements for the celebration of Independence Day on August 15 here.

At the outset, Div Com highlighted the importance of national festival and assigned the roles and responsibilities to the departments and officers.


Reviewing the arrangements for Independence Day, Pole exhorted on making fool-proof arrangements and said that “no laxity or loopholes shall be tolerated at any venue.”

The Div Com informed that Bakhshi Stadium is all set to host the forthcoming celebration of the national festival of Independence Day.

The meeting discussed threadbare the arrangements for security, traffic, security passes, seating arrangements, decoration, Shehnaivadan, illumination of offices, PAS, Power and water supply, sanitation, medicare facilities, invitation cards, cultural activities.

Meanwhile, he asked the Sports Council to make the seating arrangement for 1500 participants and invitees besides make arrangements for covers over the seats.

He was also impressed by concerned to make arrangements for students and artists to facilitate their participation in the Independence Day celebration.

Moreover, SSP Traffic and RTO Kashmir were asked to chalk out a plan for the streamlined movement of vehicles and parking locations with a proper map.

Also, Div Com asked Police officers to issue security passes to the participants and invitees to facilitate their movement. Among others present were, DIG Police; Deputy Commissioners; SSPs; Directors of Health, Education, Colleges and Rural Development; RTO Kashmir, officers of PHE, R&B, PDD, Fire and Emergency besides Deputy Director Information & PR and Field Publicity Officer, Information Department Kashmir.

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