Argentine Rear Admiral appointed head of UN Kashmir observer group

United Nations: Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has appointed Argentine Rear Admiral Guillermo Pablo Rios as the head of the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) which is charged with monitoring the shaky ceasefire in Kashmir.

The UN announced on Wednesday that Rios will take over from Major General Jose Eladio Alcain of Uruguay the leadership of the 111-member operation based in both the South Asian countries.


Rios was the Argentine Joint Staff’s General Director of Education, Training and Doctrine.

He has served in two peacekeeping operations, UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) and the UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) in the Middle East, and supervised UN demining operations in Angola. His wide experience also includes stints as Argentina’s military attache in Russia, Marines Infantry commander and Education Department Chief of the Navy Warfare School.

The UNMOGIP began operations in 1949 to monitor the ceasefire in Kashmir following a Security Council resolution the previous year.

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