Cross-LoC trade to resume from Tuesday as govt revokes ban on Pistachio

Cross-Line of Control traders Friday suspended its protest as the government has removed ban on Pistachio, one of the three items barred recently for the barter between the two Kashmirs. 

Traders who had suspended the LoC trade in protest against the ban on trade of apple, Anardanah and Pistachio, said they will resume the trade from coming Tuesday, the first trading day of the week.


President of JKJCCI, a joint chamber of business bodies from Jammu and Kashmir and Pakistan administered Kashmir, in a statement said, “The government  has removed the ban immediately on trading of Pistachio which has been the result of taking up the matter with the concerned by the president, JKJCCI and we are hoping that the other issues will also be resolved in the same spirit so that the cross LOC trade will become meaningful and beneficial to people of J&K.” 

Cross LoC trade takes place on four days of a week at two trading points in Salamabad, Uri in Kashmir and Chakanda Bagh, Poonch in Jammu. 

Intially about 21 items were proposed and allowed for the trade by Government of India and Government of Pakistan, however, traders say that a number of these items have been barred from the barter trade by the governments of the two countries with the course of time.

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