‘No let-up in killings even in Ramadhan’: Separatists call shutdown in Kashmir on Friday

Separatist leadership has called a shutdown in Kashmir onFriday against the recent killings.

“Even in the holy month of Ramadhan there is no letupin killings and bloodshed in Kashmir as civilians, armed youth or even Indianforces are getting killed,” said the JRL – an amalgam of separatistleaders – in a statement.


In one manner or the other, they said, Kashmiris continue topay the price of the unresolved Kashmir issue as use of force against themcontinues unabated.

“Whether it is death of civilian Rayees Ahmed Dar ofPulwama killed during CASO or Arshad Ahmed Dar of Chanabal Pattan killed whileprotesting the most heinous crime of rape of a child or the killing of NayeemShah of Baderwah allegedly by a VDC Kashmiris continue to fall prey to thelingering issue and subsequent use of unbridled force,” said the JRL.

To protest these unfortunate killings, they said, peoplewill observe peaceful hartal tomorrow, Friday the 17th of May. “Imams andkhateebs in Friday sermons will also raise their voice against thisbloodshed.”

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