Editorial | Post Pandemic Problems

The global commentaries on covid pandemic suggest a very grim future. The rising number of dead, the falling down of the economic structures, the looming poverty, and a chain of crises thereof. This all is something that sends shiver down the spine. But in all this some other problems lay hidden for the time being. Once the pandemic is over the problems will surface up one by one. Each one of them will start biting us with the same pointed anger that it used to; and in certain cases with more dread. While we fight this pandemic, it is time we reflect on those problems as well. Not just reflect, but prepare ground for dealing with those problems with more maturity, and a genuine human touch. In this regard two problems are very prominent. One, of pollution, and two, of violent conflicts. During these days of lockdown we got a sense of how much the surroundings were polluted. A clear blue sky, and fresh air around, are reminiscences of the  olden times. Can the states, and the societies, once the pandemic is over, think seriously about how the levels of pollution can be minimised. Can the industrial activity, and wanton consumerism, be made mindful of environment.

In our own valley, can we keep the roads clean. Can we manage the water resources efficiently. Can we desist from polluting our waterbodies. The other big question is about violent conflicts. Now that we all have seen how death shatters families and societies, can the global leaders sit down and take a more ethical stand on various conflicts. Can political campaigns, and economic adventures be made little more mindful of the importance of human lives. Can we stop killing people just to prove our supremacy. Can we prefer human life to some cultural or political vision. Can the borders of the hostile nations witness calm, and can the money that goes into making, and buying, arms be funneled into healthcare and education. Can hate be replaced by a fellow feeling, and war talk replaced by some peace sounds. Can we live in peace after this pandemic is over.


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