Editorial | To our administration

The covid-19 outbreak is really a tough time for all those who are at the helm right now, we know. Those in homes are faced with difficulties, is also not lost on anyone. We are actually all sailing in one large ark, and the tides are raging from all sides. But the doctors, paramedical staff, and others in administration are faced with double difficulty. They have families back home, and themselves they are out in the field, thus more vulnerable. What adds to their trauma, while they are wrestling with the crisis, is the lack of resource. But despite all this there are certain things that need to be told. What we gather from ground is a completely chaotic condition. Those who have been identified as civid-suspects are being taken from their places of residence to be tested, and then put in quarantine. But there are complaints that at these centres there are hardly any facilities. In certain cases a good number of people have been put together, thus exposing them to more risk. It defeats the whole purpose of quarantine.

The authorities at the top need to take note of this, and quickly find a solution. It is important to understand the difference between managing a humanitarian crisis, and dealing with a law and order situation. Unfortunately the third world bureaucracy has walked into the trap of a psychological perversion, and that is to every time think of people as a problematic lot that need to be controlled. This controlling mindset is a huge impediment in understanding what people say. If the administration, even in these tough times, applies a clam mind, it will find dozens of ways this crisis can be better managed. It is also time that this administration relies more on expert advice from doctors and engages with volunteers to manage the potential covid population. Rather than herding them to some place where there are no facilities isn’t it better to put them in home-quarantine and  ask a local team of doctors, health-workers, and volunteers to monitor them. Meanwhile if this crisis lingers, administration needs to tell people how they are going to manage the associated crises, and how people can be taken along. This is the time to shun ego, and stop thinking in a power frame. We are dealing with a humanitarian crisis, and it is time to discover our individual humanity.


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