Friday Focus | Falah—a state of felicity

Falah—a state of felicity denotes an ideal Muslim community,which is contended in every sense, and lives with attainment of all that isdesirable, a community that is free of want, where there is fulfilment ofphysical need, leading to a state of mental poise, however there has to be acollective effort to attain physical and mental landmarks as enshrined in theHoly Verse:

”Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting toall that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong; theyare the ones to attain felicity” (4:104)


As enshrined people have to rise above petty issues andinvite all and sundry to all what is good and right. Such a community has todivest itself of all that wrong, and ever and always tread the right path.Ideal Muslim community could be construed as one untroubled by conflict, acommunity which has got rid of its doubts. The community thus has risen toattain a state of prosperity, free from anxiety and disturbed state of mind,sure of its bearings, strong and united, by avoiding the pitfalls marked in theHoly Ayat to follow:

”Be not like those who are divided among themselves andfall into disputations after receiving Clear Signs; for them there is adreadful Penalty—-” (4:105)

What the Holy Ayat means by Clear Signs in enjoined in thepreceding verse (4:104) of rising above disputations, above conflicts, andavoid division. Division brings about failure, misery, agony, anguish—a dividedcommunity not only witnesses failure on all fronts in this world, the penaltyfor it has to be borne hereafter, by one and all who contributed to it byremaining divided—there is a price to be paid for not reading, ‘Clear Signs’and acting on them.

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