NC rues unavailability of basic amenities in Batamaloo

Srinagar, May 31: National Conference (NC) Monday said that the sloppy disposition of divisional administration had left people yearning for basic facilities saying that administration had miserably failed to ensure basic facilities to people.

In a statement issued here, NC Central Secretary Irfan Shah said, “There is no accountability on ground. The fate of the vital projects which were initiated during the NC led government has been put into a limbo. The incumbent administration, unaware of the development needs of the city has let people fend for themselves. People particularly those at the base of the socio-economic pyramid are at the receiving end due to Covid-induced problems. What is compounding the issues is the absence of any inclusive Covid sustenance relief to the affected. Batamaloo constituency, despite housing all vital government installations and being a business hub, has unfortunately been left unattended all these years.”


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